Titles of Some Literary Persons in English || Father, Poet & Other || Learning The Easy Way

Literary Persons------------------Titles

1. Caedmon --------------------First Known Poet in English Literature.

2. Alfred the Great ------------ The founder of English Prose.

3. Venerable Bade - -----------Father of English Learning.

4. John Wycliffe -------------- Father of English Prose.

5. Dante - -----------------------The Father of the Italian Language.

6. Geoffrey Chaucer-----------Father of English  Poetry

7. Christopher Marlowe-------Father of English Tragedy

8. Sir Thomas Wyatt-----------The Father of English Sonnet

9. Ben Jonson--------------------Father of English Comedy

10.Thomas Kyd------------------Father of English Revenge Tragedy Play

11. Francis Bacon---------------Father of English Essay

12. Edmund Spenser------------The Poet of Poets.

13. Galileo-----------------------The Father of Modern Astronomy

14. John Dryden-----------------Father of English criticism

15. Robert Browning------------Father of Dramatic Monologue

16.  Henrik Ibsen---------------Father of modern Drama

17. Lindley Murray-----------Father of English Grammar

18. Jules Verne----------------Father of science Fiction

19. James Joyce-------------Father of English stream of conscious Novel

20. Edgar Allan Poe--------Father of English  short story

21. Henry Fielding--------------Father of English Novel

22. G. B. Shaw------------------Father of Modern English  Literature

23. Coleridge & Wordsworth----Fathers of Romanticism

24. Aeschylus---------------------Father of Greek Tragedy

25. Alexander pope-------------Famous Mock - Heroic poet in English Literature

26. John Milton-----------------English ' Epic ' Poet

27. William Blake------------Poet and Painter

28. William Wordsworth-------Poet of Nature

29. John Keats--------------------Poet of Beauty

30. Lord Byron-------------------Rebel Poet in English Literature.

31. P. B. Shelley-----------------Revolutionary Poet.

32. John Donne------------------Metaphysical Poet

33. S.T. Coleridge---------------Poet of Supernaturalism

34. Tennyson--------------------Representative or Lyric Poet of the Victorian Period.

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