Importance of speaking skills in English language |


Importance of speaking skills in English language:

Speaking skill is very important to speak with foreigners. It helps us to participate in the interview. It also helps us to be confident before others. If we want to get a good job in a foreign country we must need to acquire speaking skills in English language. It is very helpful in the corporate offices. It helps every employee to hold a good position in the work place. If someone have speaking skills in English language, he/she can reply with someone speaking English. Good speaking skills improves our other skills also. It improves our ability to explain anything clearly in English. We need to speaking skills in  English language for higher education. Most of the books on higher education are written in English. It is very helpful for travelling abroad comfortably, communicate with others, exchange views and ideas, phone calls to other countries.

In short we say that,

  • to speak with foreigners.
  • to participate in the interview.
  • to be confident before others.
  • to get a good job in a foreign country.
  • to reply with someone speaking English.
  • good speaking improves other skills also.
  • to explain anything clearly in English.
  • English is used in the corporate offices.
  • to hold a good position in the work place.
  • for travelling abroad comfortably.
  • for higher education.
  • to communicate with other.
  • to exchange views and ideas.
  • for phone calls to other countries.

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