Characteristics of science || Comparative Social System

Characteristics of science:

1. Science is logical, reasonable, and rational. 

2. Science makes well-defined claims based upon the best available evidence. 

3. A scientific hypothesis must be falsifiable. 

4. Scientific experiments should be repeatable under similar circumstances. 

5. Science requires that claims be examined by qualified peers. 

6. Science views unexplained gaps in theories or evidence with suspicion. 

7. Science requires caution both in performing experiments and in examining and evaluating evidence. 
8. Science requires efforts at objectivity, both in control of variables and of biases. 

9. Science does not accept coincidence or unlinked or unproven correlations as proof. 

10. Science does not accept undocumented anecdotal evidence as good proof by itself. 

11. Science demands extraordinarily good evidence for extraordinary unconventional claims. 

12. Scientific favors parsimony: that the simplest adequate explanation is preferred. 

13. Science assumes that the Laws of Nature are universal if relative. 

14. Science demands the honest use of the scientific method and truthful reports. 

15. Science demands every effort be made to control or assess all variables. 

16. Science needs the uninhibited exchange of ideas and the greatest possible discourse of the material. 

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