Arsenic Pollution || Paragraph on Arsenic Pollution | Loserark

Arsenic Pollution

In our day to day life we are facing new kinds of problem. At present, Arsenic problem is one of them. In Bangladesh arsenic pollution has become one of the major problems. At present, Arsenic pollution is causing hazards to our health. Arsenic is a kind of poisonous element. It mixes with water specially with tube-well water and pollutes it. This kind of water is harmful for drinking. . The most important cause of arsenic pollution is the use of deep tube-well water. The effect of arsenic pollution is very serious. Arsenic can attack different cells of our body. The parts of the body like liver, kidney, heart, stomach, skin etc. are badly affected by arsenic pollution. Due to arsenic pollution, skin gets peeled off. Itching becomes our regular companion. High cough attack our body as a sign of arsenic pollution. We need to grow public awareness and government should come forward and take proper steps for reduce arsenic pollution.

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